March is PTO Spirit Month!

The Jameson PTO is hoping this will be a “Fun”draiser for the kids to help raise money for class field trips.

Each Friday in the month of March we will have a special theme for dressing up.  We are asking just a $1 donation each Friday that your student dresses up, all money will go directly to class field trips. We think that this will be a fun way to raise some money and further build the sense of school spirit at Jameson.  Here are what we have planned for each Friday:

Friday (3/6) – Pajama day!
Wear your favorite pajamas to school!

Friday (3/13) – Favorite team day!
Wear your favorite team’s shirt or jersey!

Friday (3/20) – Decorate your head day!
Crazy hair or hat, you pick.  Have fun with it!

Friday (3/27) – Seagull Pride day!
Wear your Jameson school shirt or Seagull colors (blue and white)!

Have fun and we can’t wait to see all the Jameson School Spirit in March!

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